Dads are often overlooked when it comes to parenting tools and resources, particularly when it comes to diaper bags. Society seems to have this notion that fathers aren't as actively involved in the care of their children as mothers are, and this is reflected in the limited options available for dads when it comes to carrying around all the essentials for their little ones. But the truth is, fathers play just as vital a role in the lives of their children as mothers do, and it's time for that to be recognized and reflected in the products available to them.
As a society, we need to break the mold and recognize that fathers are just as involved and important in the lives of their children as mothers are. We need to stop assuming that dads will be happy with a mom bag or a neutral colored bag, and start offering options that are specifically designed with dads in mind. Dads deserve to have a bag that not only meets their functional needs, but also reflects their personal style and sense of identity.
It's time for a change. It's time to give fathers the recognition they deserve and provide them with better options when it comes to carrying around all the essentials for their little ones. Let's make a stand and demand that manufacturers and retailers start offering more options for dads, so that they can be just as proud to carry their diaper bag as moms are. It's time for dads to be seen and heard, and it starts with something as simple as a diaper bag.
When Kwame White was preparing to become a father, all he could find were diaper bags that were feminine and basic. He realized that there are tons of amazing fathers who are very active in their children's lives and felt that dads deserve to have great bag options too and that's when his company Work Smart Enjoy Life (W.S.E.L Bags) was born.